Printmakers love beer, Dundee loves Printmakers.
Artists David Faithfull and Edward Summerton collaborate for the first time and present at IMPACT 8
Perennial Drift
183 bottles of beer made from snow, 183 printed labels and 183 beer mats, each numbered and dated.
Faithfull and Summerton gathered snow from Coire Ant-Sneachda, the Corrie of the Snows, high on the Cairngorm Mountain at mid winter 2012 and one half of the earth’s orbit, 183 days and 300 million miles later, at mid summer 2013.
With Barney at Summerhall Brewery in Edinburgh they have produced this limited edition ale sitting at a respectable 3.8%.
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design
Pert Road
IMPACT 8 International Print Conference, Dundee
Collaboration and brew with Barmey's Beer Summerhall, Edinburgh and Eddie Summerton
Collecting meltwater from Cairngorms mid summer and mid winter at Coire an Sneach Corrie of the Snows.
Perennial Drift
David Faithfull Edward Summerton
Midnight on the 21st of June 2013. The sun has set above Coire Ant-Sneachda, the Corrie of the Snows, high on the Cairngorms. It's the summer solstice and the perennial snowdrift or snow goddess glows faintly in the darkness. At this altitude in Scotland, on the north facing slopes, these gradually shifting patches of snow have been here since the last ice-age.
As collaborators, David Faithfull and Edward Summerton will document trips to the high Cairngorm plateaus at both midwinter in 2012 and midsummer in 2013, collecting this rare perennial snow, to make 183 bottles of the beer Perennial Drift.
As travellers, they will return to the same location twice, the second time on the opposite side of the solar system, 6 months later. This dichotomy will influence the alchemical recipe for each attuned bottle of beer as well as the imagery of the labels.
On opposite sides of the bottle, representing the two extremes of the solar calendar, the two labels, one created by DF, the other by ES, will indicate the gradual 183 incremental daily shifts in the earth’s axis between the two solstices.
A floor-based double-sided print will consist of 183 white beer mats, presented as a single, pixilated image of the snowdrift, displayed together with objects/photographs from the winter and summer camps.
It is intended that Perennial Drift be staged both as a ‘print’ installation and as a performance/gathering, where conference delegates will each be offered a bottle of the beer and accompanying beermat editioned multiple.